A live stream tour of architect Adolf Loos’ Villa Winternitz

Special public event organized by Czech Centre London, Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin, Adolf Loos / Pioneer of Modern Living, Tsjechisch Centrum Nederland, Чеський центр у Києві, Česká centra/Czech Centres, Winternitzova vila, Czech Centre Brussels, Czeskie Centrum, Galerie JaroslavaFragnera, Tschechisches Zentrum Wien, Чешки център София / Czech Centre Sofia, Centre tchèque de Paris, Centro Ceco Roma and Τσεχικό Κέντρο Αθήνα / Czech Centre Athens.


Adolf Loos (1870 – 1933) was one of the most influential European architects of the late 19th century and is noted for his literary discourse that foreshadowed the foundations of the entire modernist movement. Loos studied architecture in Liberec and Dresden and was influenced by his three-year stay in the United States (1893-96) where he was impressed by the innovative efficiency of American industrial buildings. He then lived in Vienna where he wrote many controversial essays, notably ‘Ornament and Crime’ in which he expounded a lack of ornament in architecture as a sign of spiritual strength. He developed the Raumplan, a method of arranging interior spaces, exemplified in Villa Muller and Villa Winternitz in Prague. As well as his private houses he is best known for his projects in Vienna such as the Goldmann & Salatsch building on Michaelerplatz, the Café Museum and the Karntner (American) Bar.