On 09.08.2022 at 19:00 h, in Sofia, under the sunset, with a Vitosha mountain view, high above Bulgaria Blvd. and the hectic life, on the Lovers’ bridge – an iconic place in the capital of Bulgaria, connecting the National Palace of Culture with the green heart of the city, the International Academy of Architecture /IAA/ celebrated its 35th anniversary with the inauguration of two International Architectural Exhibitions – „FEMALE CONTRIBUTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE CULTURE“ and „THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARCHITECTURE IN THE WORLD“.
The event was hosted by the Bulgarian actress and producer, Eleni Dekidis, who presented the two exhibitions and short historical information of the Academy and its goals. The ceremony continued with the official speech of the Chairman of the Managing Board of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria /CAB/, Arch. Vladimir Milkov, who expressed his appreciation for the work of the IAA.
Then, on the “stage” was welcomed Prof. Dr. Arch. Todor Bulev – Chairman of the Managing Board of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria /UAB/, who was an award winner of the II World Triennial of Architecture Interarch Sofia.
Speech was held also by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Milena Nanova, who is Head of the Residential buildings department and Deputy Dean for research and international activities of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia.
The inauguration concluded with the memorable address of the President of the IAA – Acad. Amedeo Schiattarella, read by Dr. Arch. Marina Vasileva – General Secretary of the IAA. His exciting speech emphasized on the importance of architecture in difficult times like nowadays as a bridge to create harmony and beauty and also as a defender of human values.
In his speech, Acad. Schiattarella called for attention to be paid to the main value – RESPECT, which current and future architecture must demonstrate:
RESPECT for diversity in all its manifestations,
RESPECT for the environment and Mother Nature,
RESPECT for civil society and peace, and most importantly
RESPECT for our future – our children and descendants, to whom we owe a world without the horrors of war.
The Mayor of Sofia, Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova, sent a Congratulatory message on the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibitions.
You are welcome to enjoy the two exceptional exhibitions presented at the Lovers‘ Bridge in Sofia, Bulgaria until 23.08.2022.
The event is held with the support of Sofia Municipality.