Alexander Anisimov was born on April 16, 1935 in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. He was the son of Anisimova Eugenia Aleksandrovna and Anisimov Viktor Ivanovich.
Alexander Anisimov was born on April 16, 1935 in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. He was the son of Anisimova Eugenia Aleksandrovna and Anisimov Viktor Ivanovich.
In 1958, Alexander Anisimov graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute. In 1963, he enrolled to post-graduate at Research Institute of Public buildings and Facilities and in 1967 successfully defended his thesis. From 1968 to 1985 he taught at VGIK (now All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov) at decorating faculty.
After graduation A. Anisimov went on an assignment to Tomsk. In 1958 he taught at the Institute of Construction. In 1959 he returns to Moscow. By this time Alexander Viktorovich was the author of two buildings under construction. Since 1959, A. Anisimov works as an architect of the Central Research Institute of Housing. Under the leadership of Alexei Sergeevich Obraztsov, Alexander Viktorovich participated in the design of the Shopping Center in the Academic Township in Novosibirsk (1960). In the same year he designed a popular cafe among the youth called “Aelita”.
As part of the team of authors A. Anisimov also worked on the project of the Public Center for the village of Kalinovka in the Kursk region (1961-1964). From 1968 to 1985 he taught at VGIK (now All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov) at decorating faculty. Since 1969, he became the head of the design workshop in TsNIIEP educational buildings, where he designed a small town at Smolensk. From 1971 to the present time, Alexander Viktorovich works in Mosproject-4, specializing in the design of theatrical and spectacular buildings.
A special page in the creative activity of the architect is the Taganka Theater. Under the leadership of Alexander Viktorovich a new building was designed, the old was reconstructed and the interiors of the theater were created (1986).
Alexander Viktorovich Anisimov is the author of more than 120 scientific works: “Moscow theaters, history and architecture” (1984), “Leisure in Moscow” (1985), “Moscow. Architectural guidebook” (1997); “Venice” (2002), “The City of St. Petersburg” (2003).
Alexander Viktorovich Anisimov was a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Architecture, Moscow Union of Architects (1962), Board of the USSR Supreme Soviet (1975-1985), Corresponding Member and Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences. He is also a member of Council of the Higher Attestation Commission and Scientific Councils in Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning (RITHAUP) and Moscow Architectural Institute.