Emilio Faroldi

Address      borgo Lalatta 10    43121   Parma, Italy
Phone        +39.335.8027218
Email          [email protected]
Website      http://www.abc.polimi.it/persone/personale-docente/FAROLDI-EMILIO

Emilio Faroldi (1961), architect and PhD, is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, where he carries out teaching and research activities dealing with issues related to the architectural project with particular interest in the relationships that exist between conception, design and construction of architecture. He organized conferences, training courses and international design seminars. Author of numerous publications, he has presided and coordinated, for over a decade, the degree courses in Architectural Science and Architectural Design at Politecnico di Milano. He is Editor in Chief of the scientific journal TECHNE_ Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, and Director of the Master in Progettazione Costruzione Gestione delle Infrastrutture Sportive. Professor of the International Academy of Architecture since January 2017 and, Vice Rector of the Politecnico di Milano.


ALLESTIMENTO MOSTRA “ROBERTO CAPUCCI” Parma 1996 Suggestive mise-en-scène of designer fashion, housed in the splendid invasion of the Farnese Theater, surviving example of the seventeenth-century theatrical architecture: the comparison between art and architecture is the combination that characterizes the entire path set up. A joyful crowd of clothes arranged freely on the steps colors and […]


PIAZZA LORENZO BERZIERI Salsomaggiore Terme, Parma 2008-2010   The functional redevelopment, redesign and urban renewal project of Piazza Lorenzo Berzieri and of the perimeter pedestrian roadways to the plant and their connection to the existing open space system is based on the need to redefine a spatial identity that until yesterday was fragmentary and unresolved, […]


CHIESA DI SANT’ANNA Jundaì, San Paolo, Brasile 1994-1995   The work bases the assumptions on the intention to create a space of high spirituality able to bind naturally to everyday life: a space that is at the same time symbolic and real, contemplative and participatory, in which the presence of the assembly of the faithful […]


COLLODI BUTTERFLY HOUSE Collodi, Pistoia 2005-2007   The “Butterfly House” is the only reconstruction intervention within a wider program of recovery and functional redevelopment of the historical complex of Villa and Giardino Garzoni in Collodi. The internal organization of the complex is structured in such a way as to allow the visit of the greenhouse-museum […]


Parma 2005-2011 The new Chiesi Center finds its premises within the processes of structural expansion, organizational rationalization and technical innovation of the company. The Research Center is the result of an integrated action between multiple and multidisciplinary skills that leads to the combination of architectural planning and engineering solutions that focus on the measure, durability […]