Louise Noelle Gras
Born in Mexico City, studied History of Art at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City (B.A. 1969), and M.A. at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, 1976-88; is presently working on her doctoral thesis. Editor of Arquitectura/México, 1976-80. Researcher of the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the UNAM since 1982, involved in many aspects of architectural criticism, being a co-founder and Director of the Comité International des Critiques d´Architecture (CICA). Honorary Academician of the Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos, 1988, Member of the Academia de Artes, 1991, and of the ICOMOS Mexicano, 1993, and founding Member of DOCOMOMO-México, 2003. Has given courses and lectures at Universities, in Mexico and abroad, and she is contributor to numerous architectural journals.
Principal publications
Agustín Hernández: Arquitectura y Pensamiento, UNAM, Mexico, 1982. Reprint, 1988.
Arquitectos contemporáneos de México, Trillas, Mexico,1989. Reprints 1990 and 1996.
Ricardo Legorreta, Tradición y Modernidad, UNAM, Mexico, 1989.
Guía de Arquitectura contemporánea de la Ciudad de México, Banamex, Mexico, 1993. In collaboration with Carlos Tejeda. Reprint INBA, 2002.
Crónicas de la Academia Nacional de Arquitectura, I and II, UAM, Mexico, 1993 and 1996.
Teodoro González de León, la voluntad del Creador, Escala-Somosur, Bogota, 1994.
Luis Barragán, búsqueda y creatividad, UNAM, México, 1996; and Testo & Imagine, Milan, 1997.
Mario Pani, una arquitectura para la ciudad, CNCA, Mexico, 2000.
Una ciudad imaginaria. Fotografías de arquitectura de los siglos XIX y XX, de Luis Márquez, UNAM-INBA, Mexico, 2000. In collaboration with Lourdes Cruz.
Enrique del Moral.Vida y obra, UNAM, Mexico, 2004.
Writings available on CICArchitecture:
Regionalismo ayer y hoy
Abraham Zabludovsky y las artes escénicas
Joseph Rykwert: La idea de ciudad (Review)
Joseph Rykwert: The dancing column. On order in architecture (Review)
Pierre Vago
Bruno Zevi
CICA – Une petite histoire