Paolo Desideri
Via delle Conce 20
00154 Roma
T [+39] 06 57250470-57
F [+39] 06 57136621
M [+39] 339 7968949
Paolo Desideri (Rome 1953) graduated in architecture in Rome in 1980.
He is Full Professor since 1985 and since 2000 he is Professor of Architectural Design at the School of Architecture of the University of Rome “Roma Tre”. He has been Visiting Professor in many Schools of Architecture.
He is chief architect and founding partner of ABDR Architetti Associati, along with Maria Laura Arlotti, Michele Beccu and Filippo Raimondo. His firm has been in practice since 1982. The work of his architectural practice primarily focuses on large-scale infrastructural and cultural projects both in the public and private sector as well as on high-density housing complexes. Some of the ABDR projects have to be mentioned: Italian Pavilion at Expo Astana 2017, the New High Speed Train Station in Casablanca, the New High Speed Train Station “Roma Tiburtina”, the New Opera House in Florence, the Refurbishment of the National Archaeological Museum in Reggio Calabria, the New Subway Stations of the B1 Line in Rome, the “Palazzo delle Esposizioni” Refurbishment and the Renovation of the “ex-serra Piacentini” in Rome.
He has a vast editorial activity and his articles regularly appear on major architecture magazines. He is author of numerous critical and theoretical texts of architectural and urban design.
Among his publications: with Carlo Olmo, et al., La concezione strutturale. Ingegneria ed Architettura in Italia negli anni cinquanta e sessanta. Turin: Umberto Alemandi&C., 2013; International style? Rome: Meltemi, 2004; Ex-city. Rome: Meltemi, 2000; with Massimo Ilardi, Attraversamenti. I nuovi territori dello spazio pubblico. Genoa: Costa and Nolan, 1997; La città di latta. Genoa: Costa and Nolan, 1995; Moderno senza movimento. Rome: Clear, 1993; Progettare Pescara. Rome: Clear, 1991; with Carlo Aymonino, et al., Progettare Roma Capitale. Bari-Rome: Laterza, 1990; Esercizi di Composizione. Pescara: Clua, 1988; Tipo edilizio e normativa dell’architettura. Pescara: Clua, 1988; I luoghi della produzione industriale. Bologna: Luigi Parma, 1983; Pier Luigi Nervi. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1979.