Santiago Calatrava
Phone +41 44 204 50 11
Email [email protected]
Web www.calatrava.com
713 PARK AVE. 10021-5010
Phone +12124521046
Email [email protected]
Web www.calatrava.com
- 2017 Doctor Honoris CausaLIMA, PERUUniversidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru
- 2016 Doctor Honoris Causa degreeMEXICO CITY, MEXICOInstituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico City, Mexico
- 2013 Doctor Honoris Causa of PhilosophyATLANTA, UNITED STATESThe Georgia Institute, Atlanta
- 2012 Doctor Honoris Causa of ArchitectureNEW YORK, UNITED STATESPratt Institute, New York
- 2011 Membro del Pontificio Consiglio della CulturaVATICAN CITY, VATICAN CITY STATERome
- 2011 Certificate of Brevet WallonieWALLONIA, BELGIUMGovernment of the Wallon Region
- 2010 Honorary CitizenLIÈGE, BELGIUMof the City of Liège, Liège
- 2010 Doctor Honoris CausaLIÈGE, BELGIUMUniversité de Liège, Liège
- 2009 Doctor Honoris CausaMADRID, SPAINUniversity Camilo José Cela, Madrid
- 2008 Becoming an Architect, LectureTEL AVIV, ISRAELat the Azrieli School of Architecture, Tel Aviv
- 2008 Doctor Honoris Causa of PhilosophiaeTEL AVIV, ISRAELTel Aviv University, Israel
- 2007 Tanner LecturesYALE, UNITED STATESUniversity of Yale, New Haven
- 2007 Berthold Lubetkin Memorial LectureLONDON, UNITED KINGDOMKensignton, London
- 2007 Doctor Honoris Causa of Humane LettersNEW YORK, UNITED STATESColumbia University, New York
- 2007 Hijo PredilectoVALENCIA, SPAINMunicipality of Valencia
- 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa in EngineeringTROY, UNITED STATESRensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
- 2005 Doctor Honoris Causa in EngineeringTHESSALONIKI, GREECEAristotle University, Thessaloniki
- 2005 Doctor Honoris Causa of ArtsDALLAS, UNITED STATESSouthern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
- 2005 Permanent Honorary GuestZURICH, SWITZERLAND(Ständiger Ehrengast), University of Zurich
- 2005 Time 100, Time MagazineNEW YORK, UNITED STATESNew York
- 2004 Gestalten und Konstruieren in PersonalunionZURICH, SWITZERLAND10th Holcim Concrete Symposium, Zurich
- 2004 Doctor Honoris Causa ScientiariumHAIFA, ISRAELTechnion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
- 2004 New York office establishedNEW YORK, UNITED STATES
- 2003 Medalla al Mérito a las Bellas ArtesVALENCIA, SPAINReal Academia de San Carlos de Valencia, Valencia
- 2001 Temporary License for the Practice of Professional EngineeringMADISON, UNITED STATESby the State of Wisconsin, Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors, Madison, Wisconsin
- 2000 Temporary License and Certificate of Practice for EngineeringTORONTO, CANADAby Ontario Association of Architects (OAA), Toronto
- 2000 Honorary AcademicianMADRID, SPAINReal Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid
- 2000 Guest of HonorMEXICO CITY, MEXICOGobierno del Distrito Federal, Mexico City
- 2000 Guest Lecturer, School of Architecture and DesignCAMBRIDGE, UNITED STATESMassachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts
- 2000 Honorary FellowshipMONTERREY, MEXICONational Academy of Architecture, Monterrey
- 2000 FellowshipNEW YORK, UNITED STATESInstitute for Urban Design, New York
- 2000 Honorary FellowshipOTTAWA, CANADARoyal Architectural Institute of Canada, College of Fellows in Ottawa
- 2000 Doctor Honoris Causa of ArchitectureFERRARA, ITALYUniversità degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy
- 1999 License for the Practice of Professional EngineeringAUSTIN, UNITED STATESby the State of Texas, Board of Professional Engineers, Austin, Texas, USA; License No. 85263
- 1999 Grau Grande Oficial da Ordem do MéritoLISBON, PORTUGALChancelaria das Ordens Honorificas Portuguesas, Lisbon
- 1999 Membership, Foreign Member of the AcademySTOCKHOLM, SWEDENRoyal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Stockholm
- 1999 Doctor Honoris Causa of TechnologyLUND, SWEDENLunds Universitet, Sweden
- 1999 Doctor Honoris Causa of Civil EngineeringCASSINO, ITALYUniversità degli Studi di Cassino, Italy
- 1998 Guest Lecturer, ETHZURICH, SWITZERLANDETH Architecture Department in Zurich
- 1998 Guest Lecturer, School of Architecture and DesignCAMBRIDGE, UNITED STATESMassachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts
- 1998 Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et LettresPARIS, FRANCEParis
- 1997 Temporary License for the Practice of Professional EngineeringCALIFORNIA, UNITED STATESby the State of California, Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, USA; Renewed in 1998
- 1997 Structural Engineer LicenseILLINOIS, UNITED STATESState of Illinois Department of Professional Engineering, USA; License No. 081-005441, November 1997, renewed in 1998 and 2000
- 1997 Doctor Honoris Causa of ScienceDELFT, NETHERLANDSTechnische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft)
- 1997 Doctor Honoris Causa of EngineeringMILWAUKEE, UNITED STATESMilwaukee School of Engineering, Wisconsin
- 1996 Doctor Honoris Causa of ScienceGLASGOW, UNITED KINGDOMUniversity of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
- 1995 Certificate for the Practice of Professional EngineeringFROSINONE, ITALYProvincia di Frosinone, Italy
- 1995 Doctor Honoris Causa of ScienceSALFORD, UNITED KINGDOMfrom the University of Salford, England
- 1994 Honorary MembershipMEXICO CITY, MEXICOColegio de Arquitectos, Mexico City
- 1994 Fellow Honoris Causa, Royal Incorporation of Architects (RIAS)EDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOMEdinburgh
- 1994 Doctor Honoris Causa of Letters in Environmental StudiesEDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOMHeriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
- 1994 Doctor Honoris CausaSEVILLA, SPAINUniversidad de Sevilla
- 1993 Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)LONDON, UNITED KINGDOMHonorary Membership, London
- 1993 Doctor Honoris CausaVALENCIA, SPAINUniversidad Politécnica de Valencia
- 1993 Global Leader for TomorrowDAVOS, SWITZERLANDWorld Economic Forum, Davos
- 1992 Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San CarlosVALENCIA, SPAINHonorary Membership, Valencia
- 1991 Third architectural and engineering practiceVALENCIA, SPAINestablished in Valencia
- 1989 Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA)BERLIN, GERMANYHonorary Membership, Berlin
- 1989 Second architectural and engineering practicePARIS, FRANCEestablished in Paris
- 1988 Fazlur Khan International Fellowship for Arch. & Engineering, SOM FoundationCHIGAGO, UNITED STATESMembership, Chicago
- 1987 Participation at the 17th Triennale di MilanoMILANO, ITALY
- 1987 International Academy of Architecture (IAA)SOFIA, BULGARIAMembership, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1987 Bund Schweizer Architekten (BSA)BASEL, SWITZERLANDMembership, Basel
- 1982 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)ZURICH, SWITZERLANDMembership, Zurich
- 1982 Schweizerische Ingenieur- und Architektenverein (SIA)ZURICH, SWITZERLANDMembership, Zurich
- 1981 First architectural and engineering practiceZURICH, SWITZERLANDestablished in Zurich
- 1981 Assistant at the ETH ZurichZURICH, SWITZERLANDAssistant at the Institute for Building Statics & Construction and Aerodynamics & Lightweight Construction.
- 1981 Doctorate in Technical ScienceZURICH, SWITZERLANDfrom ETH Zurich Department of Architecture (Ph.D. Thesis: Concerning the Foldability of Space Frames)
- 1979 Graduated as a qualified civil engineerZURICH, SWITZERLANDat the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH Zurich)
- 1974 Graduated as a qualified ArchitectVALENCIA, SPAINat the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia followed by a postgraduate studies in urbanism
- 1968 Attends School of Arts and CraftsVALENCIA, SPAINin Valencia
- 1968 Completes secondary school educationVALENCIA, SPAINin Valencia, Spain
- 1951 Santiago Calatrava Valls , born on July 29VALENCIA, SPAINin Valencia, Spain
Situated on the Los Llanos waterfront of Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife, between the Marine Park and the edge of the port, the auditorium connects the city to the ocean and creates a significant urban landmark. The all-concrete building is characterized by the dramatic sweep of its roof. Rising off the base like a […]
The Turning Torso, Malmo 2005
Turning Torso is a neo-futurist residential skyscraper in Sweden and the tallest building in Scandinavia. Located in Malmö on the Swedish side of the Öresund strait, it was built and is owned by Swedish cooperative association HSB. It is regarded as the first twisted skyscraper in the world. The project was designed by Spanish architect, structural engineer, sculptor and painter Santiago Calatrava and officially opened on 27 August 2005. The tower reaches […]
Queen Sofia Palace of Arts 2005
Queen Sofía Palace of the Arts is the final structure built of a grand City of Arts and Sciences concept designed by the Valencia-born and internationally known architect Santiago Calatrava, which began in 1995. The building was constructed by a joint venture of Dragados and Necso and it was opened on 8 October 2005. The building rises 14 stories above ground and […]
Milwaukee Art Museum 2004
The Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) is an art museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Its collection contains nearly 25,000 works of art. It is one of the largest museums in the United States. In the latter half of the 20th century, the museum came to include the War Memorial Center in 1957 as well as the brutalist Kahler Building (1975) designed by David Kahler and […]
Hemispheric, Valencia, Spain 1996
The City of Arts and Sciences is an entertainment-based cultural and architectural complex in the city of Valencia, Spain. It is the most important modern tourist destination in the city of Valencia and one of the 12 Treasures of Spain. The City of Arts and Sciences is situated at the end of the former riverbed of the river Turia, which […]