Vladimir Laptev
Of.1, 8, abay St, Astana, p.c. 010000
Mob. 008 7011113122
Tel. 008 7172 21 61 40
Professor, Moscow University MAA,
Member of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan
Doctor of Architecture, Professor of the International Academy of Architecture, Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design
Tel: 8 (717) 2 39 75 59
Research Interests
Architecture. Building design.
Readable disciplines
Architectural design
1977 – 1983
Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Architecture
1983, the Novosibirsk branch of “VNIPIET”; Deputy Chief Architect of the Tselinograd Region;
1989 head architect of Tselinograd;
1990 Director of the architectural and design company “VL”;
1993-2000 Head of the Department of Architectural Design, Akmola Agrotechnical University;
1995-2000 Chief Architect of Astana;
2000-2005 2005 – BC Chief Architect of VL LLP, Creative Director AstanaProject LLP.
Awards, certificates of appreciation, thanks
Sign “Madeniet Kairatkeri”, 2000;
Medal “Eren enbek ushin”, 2001;
Medal “10 zhyl Astana”, 2008;
Medal “Kazakhstan Republican tәuels_zdіgіne 20 zyl”, 2012
He is the head of the innovation scientific research topic of the Department of Architecture registered at the NCSTI: “Development of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Market Conditions”, state registration number 0113 RK 00613. Duration of work: 2013-2017.
Architect V. Laptev He is the author of architectural projects for more than 50 unique residential and civil facilities in Astana, this building of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the building of the Palace of Sports “Kazakhstan”, the building of Akimat, the business center “Asia”, the residential complex “Arman”, the residential complex “Northern Crown” “, LCD” Power “, LCD” Sary-Arka “, LCD” Stolichny “, LCD” Azure Quarter “, LCD” Avicena Elite “, Skating Stadium, the National Space Center, etc.
The outlines of the architecture of the resettlement framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan – methodical bases and principles. Bulletin of KazGASA. – Almaty, 2004. – № 2 (12). – p. 40-48.
Features of the formation of a settlement system, social infrastructure and their components on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Modern aspects of the economy. – St. Petersburg, 2004. – № 10 (61). – p. 101–114.
Planning and administration of settlement in the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Man and the universe. – St. Petersburg, 2004. – № 8 (41). – P. 114–120.
Museum of the History of Kazakhstan
Museum of the History of Kazakhstan is located in the left-bank part of the city adjacent to the most significant public buildings and facilities. Functional and symbolic content of the space and existing urban planning situation has led to decisions on the formation of figurative characteristics of the object, silhouette, interconnection of facilities, improvement. Architectural […]
Ice Arena in Astana
Address: the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kabanbai batyr Avenue Year of building: 2011 Total area: 41,600 m2 Engineering organization: “VL” LLP Authors: V.Laptev, A.Pirozhkov, E.Zhuravlyova, I.Yatsenko, L.Lebold, A.Khlopcharov. Ice Arena is located in the sport area of the left-bank part of the city near the football stadium and cycle track. The existing city planning situation […]