Vladimir Plotkin
CU “Reserve”
3/1, Blagoveshensky lane, Moscow, Russia
Tel. +7 495 755 6960
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.reserve.ru
Honored architect of Russia, member of the Russian Architects Union, professor of the International Academy of Architecture, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, board member of the Moscow Architects Union, professor of the Moscow Institute of Architecture, lecturer at MARCH architectural school.
Vladimir was born in 1955 in Leningrad. In 1980 graduated from the Belarussia Polytechnic Institute. 1980 -1985: chief architect at the Belgosproject Project Institute (Minsk (Bl)). 1985-1995: project architect at the “Mosproject” Institute (Moscow). In 1987: together with Semion Lamdon founded cooperative «RESERVE». Starting from 1995 – Vladimir works as a chief architect of the company.
A great number of projects headed by Vladimir Plotkine received professional prizes and diplomas (“Arch-Moscow”, “Golden Section Awards”, “Zodchestvo”, World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Barcelona and many others). Projects by CU “Reserve” are regularly exhibited internationally (London, Berlin, Venice…), presenting best examples of Russian contemporary architecture and are often being published in Russian and beyond.