Will Bruder
4200 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012
Phone 602 312 7399
Fax 602 277 5202
Email: [email protected]
Will Bruder FAIA
president / will bruderarchitects
Will explores inventive and contextually exciting architectural solutions in response
to site opportunities and the user needs. His work celebrates the craft of building
in a manner not typical of contemporary architecture. Through his creative use
of materials and light, Will is renowned for his ability to raise the ordinary to the
Self-trained as an architect, Will has a BFA in sculpture from the University
of Wisconsin-Madison, with supplemental courses in structural engineering,
philosophy, art history and urban planning. Architectural apprenticeships under
Paolo Soleri and Gunnar Birkerts followed.
Opening his first Arizona studio in 1974, Will continues to lead and mentor
students of design from his firm in downtown Phoenix. He has led work for over
500 commissions and actively engages in his community in civic conversations
regarding downtown Phoenix and the role of design in place-making within its
fragile, young and optimistic urban desert environment.